I try not to think too much when I draw but I can't think without drawing
Sunday, June 1, 2008
"Art cannot be separated from life. It is the expression of the greatest need of which life is capable, and we value art not because of the skilled product, but because of its revelation of a life's experience." Robert Henri
Hey there!...Thanks!!...I mainly use acrylics,inks and oils ( with lots of turps on top to make it crack!)...i like to work on painted boards mainly...i paint these up and assault them with any substance i can get my mits on!....All of my work then gets fed into photoshop and played about with till it works ( or till im cross-eyed and cant do it no more!) I was ckecking out your work...nice!....it's got a real fresh feel about it...thats something im trying to work on myself...not to let it get too heavy. Nice studio space too!
Hey there!...Thanks!!...I mainly use acrylics,inks and oils ( with lots of turps on top to make it crack!)...i like to work on painted boards mainly...i paint these up and assault them with any substance i can get my mits on!....All of my work then gets fed into photoshop and played about with till it works ( or till im cross-eyed and cant do it no more!)
I was ckecking out your work...nice!....it's got a real fresh feel about it...thats something im trying to work on myself...not to let it get too heavy.
Nice studio space too!
So true--excellent quote!!
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